Analisis Surplus dan Distribusi Pemasaran Beras
Produksi Petani Kecamatan Buay Madang Kabupaten OKU Timur
Oleh: Henny Rosmawati
Produksi Petani Kecamatan Buay Madang Kabupaten OKU Timur
Oleh: Henny Rosmawati
Abstract This research is aimed to : 1) count the number of rice surplus in Buay Madang district in OKU Timur regency. 2) count the factors which influenced the rice surplus among the farmers. 3) identify the distribution and rice marketing share in Buay Madang district in OKU Timur regency. 4) compare marketing range at the marketing level in Buay Madang district in OKU Timur regency. This research was done in OKU Timur regency which was selected purposively. The method of research used in this research was survey method. The sampling farmers were selected by using disproportionated stratified random sampling. The sampling farmers were 90 farmers consist of 30 farmers from Kurungan Nyawa village, 30 farmers from Sumber Mulyo village and 30 farmers from Sumber Harjo village. The result of the research shows that: 1) Rice surplus at the farmers level in Buay Madang district of OKU Timur regency is 93,172 % from total production of the farmersper year. 2) The factors which influenced the marketable surplus at the farmers level in Buay Madang district in OKU Timur regency were the land area width, the number of the family members, rice price, income of the farmers, the number of rice production, education level of the chief of the farmer family, the dominant gender in houshold. The land area width, the number of family member, income of the farmers, and the number of rice production factor has abstract influences to the marketable surplus of the farmers. 3) The marketing distribution which run in Buay Madang district consist two marketing channels as follow: channel I: farmers, Rice Milling Unit (RMU), agent of village area, agent of district area, comsumers. Channe II : farmers, agent of village area, agent of district area, retails and comsumers. 4) The marketing margin values obtained by the agent of district area is the biggest comparing with other marketing institutions, that is Rp 290 per kg. The marketing channel consist of the agent level of the village, RMU and retails is efficient and effective, because the marketing cost of them is lower than the marketing profit. Key words: Marketing, distribution, marketable surplus, marketing margin PENDAHULUAN Latar Belakang
Pangan merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia untuk dapat mempertahankan hidup. Oleh karenanya pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan bagi penduduk setiap waktu merupakan hak asasi manusia. Dari berbagai jenis pangan (pokok), beras merupakan salah satu jenis pangan yang paling strategis di Indonesia. Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 7 tahun 1996 tentang Pangan disebutkan bahwa dalam rangka mewujudkan ketahanan pangan, Pemerintah menyelenggarakan pengaturan, pembinaan, pengendalian, dan pengawasan terhadap ketersediaan pangan yang cukup baik jumlah maupun mutunya, aman, bergizi, beragam, merata, dan terjangkau oleh daya beli masyarakat. Ketersediaan pangan ditentukan oleh aspek produksi, perdagangan (ekspor, impor), transfer (bantuan/hibah), dan stok.
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