Kontribusi Pendapatan Buruh Wanita Tani Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga di Desa Kurup Kecamatan Lubuk Batang Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu
Oleh: Rosnaliza Testiana dan Dinda Dwi Arini
Oleh: Rosnaliza Testiana dan Dinda Dwi Arini
This study aimed to calculate the labor income of women farmers palm and calculate the contribution of women farmers labor income of oil palm on family income in the Village District Kurup Lubuk Ogan Komering Ulu Batang held in May to July 2012. The experiment was conducted in the village Kurup considering that farm women laborers working in PTP Minanga Ogan dominant Kurup villagers that as many as 67 people consisting of 15 workers were men and 52 women laborers. The research method used in this study is a survey method used to obtain the facts on the ground by using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The sampling method used in this study is simple random method (simple random sampling). According Sugiyono (2001: 57) stated simple (simple) by sampling a random member of the population regardless of the strata in the population. Samples are taken by 30 farmers sample of 52 members of the population with the percentage of the sample was 58 percent. The data used are primary data is data obtained directly from the field using a questionnaire as a means of collecting data and secondary data is data obtained from the agencies involved in this study. Based on the results of research known labor income women farmers palm of Rp 8,050,000.00 per year, with revenue contribution of oil palm farm women laborers for 39.30 percent of the total family income of Rp 20,487,133.00. Labor income of women farmers palm provide a major contribution to the family income. Key words: Contribution, labor income, women farmers palm of sawit
Sektor pertanian merupakan bidang kehidupan yang paling vital. Peranan sektor pertanian, di samping tercatat sebagai sumber devisa yang cukup besar, juga merupakan sumber kehidupan bagi sebagian besar penduduknya (Sastraatmadja, 2005). Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacg) merupakan tanaman dengan nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi karena merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil minyak nabati. Bagi Indonesia, kelapa sawit memiliki arti penting karena mampu menciptakan kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat dan sebagai sumber perolehan devisa Negara. Sampai saat ini Indonesia merupakan salah satu produsen utama minyak sawit (CPO) dunia selain Malaysia dan Nigeria (Tim Penebar Swadaya, 2002).
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