Respon Petani Kopi Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan Terhadap Fluktuasi Harga dan Iklim Suatu Pendekatan Model
Oleh: Munajat
Oleh: Munajat
Abstract This research is to find out coffee farmers response (reflected from the farm area) with the fluctuation of coffee price and the rival plant (pepper and cacao) and the rain fluctuation as the climate of proxy. South Ogan Komering Ulu has been taken as the object because of its famous as coffee area in South Sumatera. The data use time series (1995-2008) with descriptive method and explanatory research. This study use supply response which change the plant area into the field area as distributed lag with nerlove study. The result shows that the coffee farmer in South OKU really responsed with the price fluctuation and climate. The change of coffee price and pepper as the rival commodity will influence the coffee plant area. Its happened also with the climate as the proxy, its also influenced the response of the farmer to add the coffee plant area. Its not same with the cacao because its not influenced the farmers decision to add the plant area. Key words: Coffee farmers response, price fluctuation, nerlove models
Perkebunan kopi menjadi salah satu andalan utama komoditi ekspor dari sektor perkebunan dan memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap pendapatan asli daerah Sumatera Selatan. Selain itu perkebunan kopi telah menjadi salah satu sumber penghidupan bagi petani kopi, pedagang kopi, industri pengolahan kopi dan eksportir kopi di Propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Beberapa tahun terakhir ini komoditi kopi menjadi bahan pembicaraan di tingkat nasional akibat fluktuasi harga yang cukup tajam, ketidak pastian produksi, mutu produksi dan kurang baiknya pengelolaan paska panen, disamping itu terjadi pergeseran lahan dari komoditi usahatani kopi ke usahatani perkebunan lainya seperti lada, kakau, cengkeh, panili dan lain sebagainya yang dilihat dari sisi harga komoditi tersebut cukup stabil sepanjang tahun bahkan terjadi kenaikan.
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