Respon Bibit Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Lama Penggenangan dan Pupuk Pelengkap Cair
Oleh: Nurmala Dewi
Oleh: Nurmala Dewi
Abstract This writing describes the result of the research which is aimed at studying the growth of the one-year-old palm oil seeds in the polybags as a result of long period of flooding and the use of complementary liquid fertilizer, finding out an accurate concentration of the complementary liquid fertilizer from each period of flooding which was carried out in Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra Province from August 2006 to December 2006. The research uses two-factor group random design consisting of 16 combinations of treatment, each of which is repeated three times in which three sample plants are used in every repetition. The periods of flooding consist of: G0 (control), G1 (10 days), G2 (20 days), G3 (30 days), and the dosages of the complementary liquid fertilizer used consist of: P0 (control), P1 (4 ml/l), P2 (8ml/l), P3 (12 ml/l). The result of the research indicates that treatment of flooding has an effect on the palm oil seeds in the form of changes in color of leaves, the amount of chlorophyll of the leaves, height, and the content of N, P, and K of the leaves. Whereas in regard to the number of midribs and the growth of the buds, the treatment of flooding does not show any significant effect. The treatment indicates that the maximum length of period of flooding which is tolerable to the palm oil seeds is 20 days. While the period of 30 days of flooding indicates negative effect on the growth of the palm oil seeds. The application of the complementary liquid fertilizer on the palm oil seeds after flooding indicates a significant interactive effect on the height and the number of midribs of the palm oil trees. The use of the fertilizer also indicates a positive effect on the color of the leaves, the height of the trees, the number of midribs, the growth of buds, the contents of chlorophyll and N, P, and K of the leaves. The recovery to the normal growth of the palm oil seeds after being treated by various lengths of period of flooding requires different dosages of the complementary liquid fertilizer. The seeds which underwent the period of 30 days of flooding requires 12 ml/l of fertilizer, those undergoing 20 days of flooding needs 8 ml/l of fertilizer, and those with a flooding period of only 10 days requires only 4 ml/l of fertilizer. Key words: Palm oil, flooding, complementary liquid fertilizer PENDAHULUAN Pembangunan pertanian pada saat ini dihadapkan pada berbagai tantangan yang semakin berat dan kompleks. Berkurangnya lahan subur akibat berbagai keperluan non pertanian dan meningkatnya permintaan hasil pertanian karena bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan perkembangan industri pertanian menyebabkan pertanian perlu diarahkan kepada pemanfaatan lahan marjinal, seperti lahan rawa pasang surut dan lebak (Sargeant, 2001).
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