Dampak Dana Penguatan Modal untuk Lembaga Usaha Ekonomi Perdesaan (DPM-LUEP) Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Petani Padi Sawah di Desa Gunung Kuripan Kec. Pengandonan Kabupaten OKU
Oleh: Yetty Oktarina
Oleh: Yetty Oktarina
Abstract As for intention of this Research 1. To know role of Fund Reinforcement Of Capital Institute the Effort Rural Economics in taking care of price stability sell shell of rice and rice mounted [by] farmer/producer [in] Countryside Mount of Kuripan District of Pengandonan 2. Knowing storey;level earnings of farmer of rice field paddy with existence of Fund Reinforcement Of Capital Institute the Effort Rural Economics ( DPM-LUEP). As for usefulness of this Research is expected can good for as consideration and add knowledge for the interested parties in the effort improving ability of government in security of[is availibility of food and improve earnings of farmer [pass/through] institute of economic effort [in] rural able to push growth and move economics [in] rural . Pursuant to result of[is calculation hitting effectiveness of role of DPM-LUEP by Hulling of obtained Paddy average value equal to 73,66 [gratuity/ %], meaning proportion according to and requirement of which can fulfilled from DPM only reaching 73,66 [gratuity/ %], this indicate that storey;level effectiveness of role of DPM able to be channelled by Hulling of Paddy [in] Countryside Mount of Kuripan only equal to 73,66 % storey;level is. Ought to mount effectiveness of role of DPM-LUEP have to fufilled 100 %. Earnings of usahatani is acceptance difference with total expense which [released] to execute the usahatani. After have partner [to] with LUEP and get interest free fund loan for the fee of activity of pasca harvest so that the quality of shell of rice and rice fulfill standard specified by government, earnings of farmer which was have partner [to] with LUEP mount if/when compared to farmer is not partner, because price sell shell of rice and the rice of according to at the price of governmental standard. The increasing of earnings of farmer of partner of LUEP equal to Rp. 1.236.688,35 or equal to 30,41%. Key words: Farmeri, rice, capitall, rural economics, government PENDAHULUAN Para petani menghadapi banyak sekali persoalan, baik hasil pertaniannya, maupun persoalan yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Bagi para petani, pertanian selain merupakan usaha juga merupakan bagian dari kehidupan, bahkan sudah merupakan “cara hidupnya“ (way of life). Sudah manunggal di dalam dirinya, sehingga tidak hanya aspek ekonomi saja yang memegang peranan penting sebagai dasar pertimbangan petani dalam bertindak. Tetapi aspek sosial dan kebudayaan, aspek kepercayaan dan keagamaan serta aspek-aspek tradisi juga memegang peran penting (Mubyarto, 1972).
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