Pengaruh Pemupukan Terhadap Genotipe Hasil Seleksi Galur Jagung (Zea Mays L) Terhadap Penyakit Bulay (Pheronascelesphora maydis) di Lahan Marjinal
Oleh: Firnawati Sakalena
Abstract This research was conducted to obtain an efficient lines of maize selection of nutrients, and high yielding, against diseases bulay on marginal land. This research was conducted from December 2008 until March 2009 in Hall of Integrated Agro Technology (ATP), Bakung Village, North Inderalaya District, Ogan Ilir regency, South Sumatra. This research method using Randomized Block Design (RBD). With four replications and the treatment of Recurrent Selection selection of 107 strains, derived from four parental varieties (Sukmaraga, Lamuru, Bhishma, Heroine White), and six entries of complex corn base population. The results of this study showed that genotype had a high yield disease resistant to as many as 16 strains bulay compared with four varieties of elders is a variety Bhishma (B) with a conversion yield per hectare of 6.61 tons and there are 46 lines / genotypes that have a high yield and tolerance in conditions of the Sub-Optimum fertilization but not resistant to disease than the parental varieties are Bulay Yellow Heroine (K) with a conversion yield per hectare of 5.90 tons. There is a relationship between downy mildew with the result that if a large percentage of mildew attack then the result will be low and vice versa a small percentage of downy mildew attacks the hasinya will be high. Downy mildew is the outcome of the selection lines grown both in conditions of sub-optimal fertilization and optimal fertilization conditions. Key words: Disease bulay, fertilizing, efien nutrients, resistant, genotypes, strains
Perbaikan varietas jagung sampai saat ini lebih banyak ditekankan pada peningkatan potensi hasil. Dengan beragamnya agroekologi target pengembangan jagung, maka perbaikan genetik juga dilakukan untuk mengatasi cekaman lingkungan. Sehingga untuk lahan kering marjinal pengembangan varietas unggul diarahkan pada varietas unggul jagung yang berdaya hasil tinggi, toleran atau tahan cekaman biotis dan abiotis.(Kasim, 2002).
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